It’s that time of year again. “New year new me” posts are dominating your feed. Resolution announcements left and right. Gyms are up in memberships and the workout clothes section of Target is near empty. Fresh starts are in the air.

With the beginning of a new year comes an innate, human nature to start something new. Whether it’s working out, new hobbies, or something as simple as a haircut, January 1st makes us want to change up our daily routine. 

Starting fresh is a good thing. The problem comes when we are so easy to give up on what we were so excited to begin. 

That’s where we come in. 

We want to come alongside you this year and introduce you to something newthe creative process.

Throughout the year, this Helm podcast and blog will focus on the main concepts that are essential to effective and creative storytelling. We want to give you practical information that you can apply to your routines today and bring a new, creative spin to everything you do. Whether you’re starting a business or looking for inspiration for a personal project, these key, creative principles will give your work a fresh, new spin.

Right now, we’re going to focus on the beginning of genius. How do we awaken the senses to new experiences and ideas? Take a look at these four practical steps you can take this month to begin the creative process.

  1. Creating creative margin

    • Plan intentional time in your schedule to think and be creative. Whether that’s journaling, drawing, singing, or even sketching dreams out on a whiteboard, be intentional about your creative time. 

  2. Creating a creative space

    • Be sure to switch up where you spend your creative time. New environments often bring new perspectives. Also, consider switching up the way you express your creativity. Changing certain elements in your creative atmosphere always brings a new source of inspiration.

  3. Start with what’s hot now

    • Trying to figure out what your next steps are? Look at what’s hot right now. Who’s killing it in your industry? It’s important to understand what’s working so you have a solid foundation to climb up from. Are you struggling with social media? Follow accounts you think are doing well. Are you stuck trying to come up with a new product? Listen to podcasts or read books about innovation. It’s important to surround yourself with experts.

  4. Shoot for the stars

    • As basic as this seems, it’s crucial you do not limit what you think up. Write everything down. Write everything down. Write everything down. It cannot be stressed enough that no idea is too crazy because you can always build off of your dreams. We recommend keeping a dream journal. Whether it’s full of massive campaign plans, complicated product ideas, or a list of your dream clients, it’s imperative you keep those ideas at the forefront of your mind. You never know when the opportunity to act on them will come along, so be ready.

So, get out there and start creating. 


The Journey of Collaboration


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